Wendy Wortham & Cindy Daniel Of Texas Twins Events, TDCJ Officiants, Texas Twins Treasures On Diversity… 

My twin sister and I are often interviewed about how and why we have continued to grow without marketing or advertising. The key is happy clients who refer us over and over again.  Cindy was the first to climb on board with my unique idea to create a People Over Profit based Events business. Sure, … [Read more…]


Now and then, one of my readers will refer to my twin sister and I or even one of our clients as a “hillbilly.” Ignorance speaks without forethought.  While I would love to educate everyone regarding their perceptions that are often inaccurate, I simply don’t have the time. Rather than being offended by such presumptions, … [Read more…]

Wedding Warriors?  The Pawning Planners Travel From Belltower Chapel To A Park In Frigid Texas Weather…

Yesterday morning while packing everything necessary for a day of travel with my twin sister, Cindy Daniel, I knew a cold front was due in the late afternoon but didn’t worry about it affecting my busy Saturday of three weddings because I thought we would be home before the cold front hit.  The “expected” temperature … [Read more…]

Diets, Diva’s & The Christmas Wish- Twinning Times Two…

Last September, Cindy and I made a joint commitment to lose 40 lbs each by next year.  From holiday cookies to candy apples and our all time favorite- gummy bears, the twin venture has had the usual share of laughs with not only us but also our second generation twins aka the Little Pawners, Maryssa … [Read more…]

Why Every Family We Help Is Different At Texas Twins Events & The Pawning Planners…

The last 6 years of my life helping the families who came to us has been quite a journey.  Texas Twins Events started it all when I decided to help families with little money to enjoy something they wouldn’t be able to afford.  My goal was to find families who couldn’t find vendors willing to … [Read more…]

A Creative Endeavor- Blending Texas Twins Events & Texas Twins Treasures To Create The Pawning Planners…

Today I responded to another request from someone thinking that I owned a Pawn Shop- I don’t.  The “Pawning Planners” actually pawn our services in exchange for bartered items.  I then take the item and refurbish it prior to listing the item for sale at Texas Twins Treasures. Since I’m often asked “how this whole business … [Read more…]

Why Social Media Is “Tit For Tat” There Is No “Easy Button!” 

So, you’ve set up a Twitter, LinkedIn, FB, Instagram, or Pinterest account but you have no followers.  How do you get dedicated followers?  You earn EM. Why everyone thinks that others are going to promote them is beyond me.  Unless you’re a superstar, no one is going retweet, repin, like or share your posts. Branding … [Read more…]

My Texas Twins Events Team and Family Keep Me Laughing With Their Selfies…

Getting a “great shot” isn’t easy but my son and his wife have entirely different styles of shooting wedding and event photos.  Stephanie is a “fast shot” taking hundreds of photos within a 2-4 hour window while my son, Robert has to be a perfectionist regarding the lighting, the pose, etc. Next weekend Robert will … [Read more…]

Travels of the Texas Twins Events/Pawning Planners Team…Meet My Multigenerational Family

When you spend your free time with your family AND work with them you’re often going to find a few hilarious moments now and again. My family has a lot of “big personalities” who enjoy what they do. How did I get started in the wedding and events business?  My son’s wedding!  That’s right I … [Read more…]

Texas Twins Events Team Family Fun Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo…

Every year Fort Worth draws record crowds at the Will Rogers Colliseum for a month long event for the Stock Show and every year my Texas Twins Events Team hit the midway for delicious Fletcher’s corn dogs and fun!   Makenna Marie Mahaney, one of our Little Pawners struggles with asthma and allergies and was unable … [Read more…]