NASCAR At Texas Motor Speedway With My Family…

If you’ve never been to a NASCAR event and assume that the fans or either rednecks or hillbillies- you’re wrong! These are some of the most polite people you will ever meet and God fearing Americans who take off their hats and cover their hearts when the Pledge of Allegiance plays no matter where they … [Read more…]

Why Social Media Is “Tit For Tat” There Is No “Easy Button!” 

So, you’ve set up a Twitter, LinkedIn, FB, Instagram, or Pinterest account but you have no followers.  How do you get dedicated followers?  You earn EM. Why everyone thinks that others are going to promote them is beyond me.  Unless you’re a superstar, no one is going retweet, repin, like or share your posts. Branding … [Read more…]

Wendy Wortham- Why My “Pawning Process” Does Not Involve Livestock Trades…

Yesterday a gentleman contacted me regarding a family reunion to schedule an appraisal appointment.  I will now ask more specific questions regarding the trades offered upon realizing that the “pawn” involved a cow!   While it’s true that my saucy sidekick sister, Cindy Daniel and I are creative in the “Art of Barter” even we have … [Read more…]

Social Media Sales & Marketing- The “Pawning Process” Wendy Wortham Explains…

Everyday millions of people are posting items for sale on Twitter, Google Plus, FB and even Instagram.  For the millions of folks promoting their “brand” at least half of them are failing to reach the audience or “hit the numbers” they desire for a very simple reason- these folks expect everyone else to share, retweet, … [Read more…]