Marriage. A Partnership Or Ownership? Why Asking Questions Is Essential To Finding Answers…

This week has been a literal juggling act of clients from Arkansas to Texas. Throughout the Prison Wedding Planning Process, I talk, email and text with clients right up to wedding hour. While juggling existing clients, I’m also booking new clients as well as answering questions, calling Units and scheduling with Chaplains to confirm dates.  … [Read more…]

Wendy Wortham Prison Wedding Officiant, Event Planner, Barter Queen & Realist On Diversity… 

Perhaps being a twin made me less inclined to try to fit in as a child? Who knows but my twin sister, Cindy Daniel has always been my sounding board. The first person I tell anything to. The person who supports each and every idea I have regarding rebranding and expanding as well as the … [Read more…]

Rednecks, Redheads & Reality-The Pawning Planners Pay It Forward…

Helping people who don’t have any money is never easy- Pawning Planners clients have one thing in common- lack of money.  These families share another similarity-hard times & bad luck. We’ve met hundreds of families the past 6 years who needed a wedding, funeral, birthday party, baby shower, friendship ceremony, baptism, pawning party, estate liquidation … [Read more…]

Boomerang Kids, Blended Families & Lots Of Laughs- The Pawning Planners…

No one expects their kids to move home after they’ve moved out but some parents have a few “birds” that have never left the nest.  My twin sister, Cindy Daniel continues to wonder what an empty nest would feel like with three generations of her family under one roof.  Prior to marrying Steve, Cindy went … [Read more…]

Why Social Media Is “Tit For Tat” There Is No “Easy Button!” 

So, you’ve set up a Twitter, LinkedIn, FB, Instagram, or Pinterest account but you have no followers.  How do you get dedicated followers?  You earn EM. Why everyone thinks that others are going to promote them is beyond me.  Unless you’re a superstar, no one is going retweet, repin, like or share your posts. Branding … [Read more…]

The Pawning Planners- How We Made It As A TwinTeam…

A lot of folks have heard me say “I’ve been poor and that’s why I understand clients who have no money and their needs.”  My twin sister, Cindy Daniel has been poor too.  When I say poor I mean dead broke.  Broke enough to sell our furniture and sit on the floor to buy food. … [Read more…]

Crazy & Unexpected- Hilarious Wedding Moments With The Pawning Planners…

We call them the “Wedding Wild Card Moments” because often at our events something unexpected happens.  Recently, I was asked to describe my thoughts at the time of how I overcome a “problem” on location so, today we will revisit the Wedding Heckler, the Woeful Wedding Bouquet, Attack of the Arbor, the Meddling Mother, Bounced … [Read more…]