Rednecks, Redheads & Reality-The Pawning Planners Pay It Forward…

Helping people who don’t have any money is never easy- Pawning Planners clients have one thing in common- lack of money.  These families share another similarity-hard times & bad luck. We’ve met hundreds of families the past 6 years who needed a wedding, funeral, birthday party, baby shower, friendship ceremony, baptism, pawning party, estate liquidation … [Read more…]

Wedding Warriors?  The Pawning Planners Travel From Belltower Chapel To A Park In Frigid Texas Weather…

Yesterday morning while packing everything necessary for a day of travel with my twin sister, Cindy Daniel, I knew a cold front was due in the late afternoon but didn’t worry about it affecting my busy Saturday of three weddings because I thought we would be home before the cold front hit.  The “expected” temperature … [Read more…]